Core Values

“Love one another as I have loved you”,
John 13:34

Our Daily Bread – Caring for the homeless people of Coburg and Northern Melbourne. The power of a smile, a kind word, and a hot bowl of food can never be underestimated.

What is Our Daily Bread

Our vision and inspiration behind this organisation is a strong belief in the God we serve and the wish to put our Orthodox Christian values into action, for the benefit of others. We believe that the caring of the poor is our social and Christian duty as evidenced by St John Chrysostom “The rich man is not one who has much but one who gives much.”

Social consideration for others less fortunate does not just mean distributing material goods, but also social inclusion. Jesus was inclusive of people from all aspects of society, whether they be rich, poor, sick, prostitutes or tax collectors.

We are taught in the bible the universal truth of God’s great love and Jesus showed us the living example of this love and unconditional acceptance regardless of social position or wealth. This is something we Christians need to follow, as it the core directive given from God, “To love your God with all your heart and love other people as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:37).

We at Our Daily Bread follow the calling of Jesus Christ to look after the homeless and vulnerable people in our community. We would love for you to Join Us on this journey.

Why us.

Our Values

Live the mission.

Here at Our Daily Bread we aim to follow Jesus’s example and satisfy both physical and spiritual needs, as much as is required by each person. Programs like Our Daily Bread are also beneficial to the parishioners and the community at large. They show what the church preaches in action, and through God’s work can help reinforce our faith.

Always learning.

Sustainability: we are here for the long run so we seek to put in place processes that will sustain the interest of volunteers, participants and supporters.

Respecting the lives of participants: we seek to respect theneeds of all participating, including volunteers. For no-one is a number, but on the contrary, each participant is a cherished individual that makes up the whole body of this act of love together.

Human connections matter.

While we are lucky enough to live in an economically and politically sound country, for various reasons, there is still a population in our community doing it hard. Whether this is the unfortunate result of addiction, family break down, mental illness or other causes, the reality is people living on the streets and families struggling to make ends meet. We at Our Daily Bread want to address this need and offer not only nourishment but further services in the future to promote social interaction, financial aid and emotional wellbeing.

See potential in everyone.

Jesus teaches us to pray that God will give us daily bread (Matthew 6:11). This petition of the Lord’s Prayer instructs us to come to God in a spirit of humble dependance, asking Him what we will need to sustain us from day to day. Requesting daily bread is not only about physical provision but also about our spiritual needs.

Our Daily Bread

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